OpenCV Basics - Others
1. YUV && YUVI420
- YUV,是一种颜色编码方法, 考虑到人类的感知能力,允许降低色度的带宽。“Y”表示明亮度(Luminance)即灰度值,“U”和“V”则是色度、浓度(Chrominance)
- 分成两个存储格式:
- 紧缩格式(packed formats):将Y、U、V值存储成Macro Pixels数组,和RGB的存放方式类似。
- 平面格式(planar formats):将Y、U、V的三个分量分别存放在不同的矩阵中,方便取出不同的平面
- YUV中只传送Y通道信息,显示完整的黑白图像,兼容黑白电视
- 对于UV通道,可以降采样,从而降低带宽,有3种方式:
- YUV 4:4:4采样,每一个Y对应一组UV分量,没有降低存储
- YUV 4:2:2采样,每两个Y共用一组UV分量:YUYV或者UYVY顺序排列存储,存储变为2/3。另:YUV422P,即平面格式,存完所有的Y,再存U,最后V
- YUV 4:2:0采样,每四个Y共用一组UV分量:YV12,YU12,只有Planar模式,Y00,01,10,11共用U00和V00,3个平面依次存储YYYYYYYY UU VV;NV12,NV21,2个平面,UV合为一个平面交替存储YYYYYYYY UVUV。存储变为1/2,即UV都是之前的1/4
2. OpenCV编译
a. OpenCV 3.3.1, world和static_lib不可同时enable
否则会报错:Error LNK1181 cannot open input file ‘opencv_calib3d.lib’
官方解释 Static opencv_world is not supported - this configuration make no sense (no improvements from regular static build). 就是说world是为了方便,如果是dll只拷贝一个即可,static lib本身不需要dll,编译后即打包进可执行文件,没必要整出一个world来
b. 编译OpenCV,删减版,体积是1/5
- BUILD_CUDA等非build_opencv开头的,都关掉,只保留BUILD_WITH_DEBUG_INFO
- BUILD_opencv开头的,只保留:calib3d,core,features2d,flann,highgui,imgcodecs,imgproc,shape,video,videoio
- WITH_开头的,只保留:JPEG,VFW(windows打开camera/video需要),WIN32UI。With_TBB可以不打勾,这样打包dll时都能打包进去,不需要依赖tbb.dll
- opencv_dnn开头的,全部关掉
- 参考配置opencv_config.cmake
c. BUILD_WITH_STATIC_CRT设置为false,否则编译static lib的话默认是true
d. build script
e. Mac和Linux编译OpenCV之后,OpenCVConfig.cmake没有默认安装到install根目录,OpenCV_DIR指向share/OpenCV/即可。cmake相关文件在那里,切不可自己从外边拷贝一份进去
f. 如果用高版本gcc(>=5)编译,需要在根目录的CMakelist.txt里加如下编译选项
Note: 另外,同一个工程引用不同的第三方lib,都需要用同一个版本的gcc编译,否则会引入未知奇怪的错误!
_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI: 对于link时报错undefined reference std::__cxx11::basic_string,gcc官方说明(gcc高于5默认打开了_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI):
If you get linker errors about undefined references to symbols that involve types in the std::__cxx11 namespace or the tag [abi:cxx11] then it probably indicates that you are trying to link together object files that were compiled with different values for the _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI macro. This commonly happens when linking to a third-party library that was compiled with an older version of GCC. If the third-party library cannot be rebuilt with the new ABI then you will need to recompile your code with the old ABI.
- set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11):对于link时报错undefined reference to ‘operator delete(void*, unsigned long)’,是因为gcc6/7 or higher,默认的delete函数是这样的形式,也就是c++14中的形式,强制都设置成c11能避免很多问题
- ld程序版本不一致,也会有问题:unrecognized relocation。比如用ld 2.26编译好了opencv,给2.24ld的机器用,link的时候必然报错。解决方法是降级编译opencv的ld,或升级用opencv的机器的ld:
“unrecognized relocation” occurs when the relocation type is greater than the greatest known relocation type in your version of ld
g. opencv依赖protobuf,避免与其他库依赖的protobuf冲突ref
- opencv中,opencv_dnn依赖与protobuf,可以直接关掉,干脆不依赖protobuf:-DBUILD_opencv_dnn=OFF -DBUILD_PROTOBUF=OFF
- 如果确实需要,那就用本地同一套protobuf,opencv自己下载的protobuf源码可能是3.3.1,需要关掉:
3. OpenCV的CMake集成
4. FFMPEG视频编解码
On Linux and other Unix flavors, OpenCV uses default or user-built ffmpeg/libav libraries. If user builds ffmpeg/libav from source and wants OpenCV to stay BSD library, not GPL/LGPL, should use –enabled-shared and make sure that no GPL components are enabled.
If you do not want to use FFMPEG at all, regardless of whether it’s installed on your system or not, configure and build OpenCV using CMake with WITH_FFMPEG=OFF flag. OpenCV will then use AVFoundation (OSX), GStreamer (Linux) or other available backends supported by opencv_videoio module.
There is also our self-contained motion jpeg codec, which you can use without any worries. It handles CV_FOURCC(‘M’, ‘J’, ‘P’, ‘G’) streams within an AVI container (“.avi”).