Binary Tree 9 - Others

1. Lowest Common Ancestor

Given the root and two nodes in a Binary Tree. Find the lowest common ancestor(LCA) of the two nodes.


// 返回,是否找到了path,便于提前返回
bool getNodePath(TreeNode * root, TreeNode * node, vector<TreeNode *> &path) {
    if(root == nullptr)  return false;  // !别忘了边界
    if(root == node)  return true;  // 找到了,也要加进去,否则父子关系的会出错
    // 如果找到了,不需要再继续dfs,直接返回,剪枝
    if(getNodePath(root->left, node, path) || getNodePath(root->right, node, path)) {
        return true;
    return false;
TreeNode * lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode * root, TreeNode * A, TreeNode * B) {
    if(root == nullptr)  return nullptr;
    vector<TreeNode *> pathA, pathB;
    if(!getNodePath(root, A, pathA)) return nullptr;
    if(!getNodePath(root, B, pathB)) return nullptr;
    // 找2条路径上第一次分开的点就可以了
    TreeNode *lca = root;
    for(int i = 0; i < pathA.size() && i < pathB.size(); i++) {
        if(pathA[i] != pathB[i]) {  // 说明已经分开了
            return lca;
        lca = pathA[i];
    return lca;  // 已经出来了,AB为父子关系的这种情况


a) 二叉树拓展到了普通数中,根节点到它的路径 这个O(n) Space的方案
bool GetNodePath(TreeNode* pRoot, TreeNode* pNode, list<TreeNode*>& path){
  if(pRoot == pNode)
    return true;
  bool found = false;
  vector<TreeNode*>::iterator i = pRoot->m_vChildren.begin();
  while(!found && i < pRoot->m_vChildren.end()) { //一找到就跳出
    found = GetNodePath(*i, pNode, path);
    ++i;        //扫描所有的子节点
    path.pop_back();    //注意!弹出
  return found;   //返回是否能找到, 即有没有该节点
b) 2个链表的,公共节点
TreeNode* GetLastCommonNode(const list<TreeNode*>& path1, const list<TreeNode*>& path2){
  list<TreeNode*>::const_iterator iterator1 = path1.begin();
  list<TreeNode*>::const_iterator iterator2 = path2.begin();
  TreeNode* pLast = NULL;
  while(iterator1 != path1.end() && iterator2 != path2.end()){
      if(*iterator1 == *iterator2)
          pLast = *iterator1;  //*iter是<>里的内容,即treenode*
  return pLast;
c) 上述2个函数,也可以用到求树中2个节点的距离:先求最低公共祖先,然后根据2list求距离

方法2,O(1) Space的方案

// 在root为根的二叉树中找A,B的LCA:
// 如果找到了就返回这个LCA
// 如果只碰到A,就返回A
// 如果只碰到B,就返回B
// 如果都没有,就返回null
TreeNode *lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode *root, TreeNode *A, TreeNode *B) {
  if(root == NULL || root == A || root == B) {
    return root;  // 如果是A是B的父节点这种情况,直接返回A即可
  TreeNode *left = lowestCommonAncestor(root->left, A, B);
  TreeNode *right = lowestCommonAncestor(root->right, A, B);
  if(left != NULL && right != NULL) {
    return root;  // 左右各有1个点,找到了,返回这个LCA; 并且可以一直返回到根root
  if(left == NULL && right == NULL) {
    return NULL;  // 左右都没有
  return left ? left : right;  // 只碰到了A,B中的某一个,返回它

If node A or node B may not exist in tree: Lowest Common Ancestor III Harder!

struct Result {
  bool isAexist;
  bool isBexist;
  TreeNode* answer;
  Result(bool isA, bool isB, TreeNode* node)
      : isAexist(isA), isBexist(isB), answer(node) {}
Result core(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* A, TreeNode* B) {
  if (root == NULL) return Result(false, false, NULL);  // 这一句有区别
  Result left = core(root->left, A, B);    //后序遍历,之前不返回
  Result right = core(root->right, A, B);  // 一直走到叶节点
  // set Result
  TreeNode* curAnswer;
  bool isA = left.isAexist || right.isAexist || (root == A);
  bool isB = left.isBexist || right.isBexist || (root == B);
  if ((left.answer != NULL && right.answer != NULL) ||
      (root == A || root == B)) {
    curAnswer = root;
  } else if (left.answer == NULL && right.answer == NULL) {
    curAnswer = NULL;
  } else {
    curAnswer = left.answer == NULL ? right.answer : left.answer;
  return Result(isA, isB, curAnswer);

TreeNode* lowestCommonAncestor3(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* A, TreeNode* B) {
  // if (root == NULL) return NULL;
  Result res = core(root, A, B);
  if (res.isAexist && res.isBexist) return res.answer;
  return NULL;  // 都不存在

2. Lowest Common Ancestor II

The node has an extra attribute parent which point to the father of itself. The root's parent is null.
ParentTreeNode *lowestCommonAncestorII(ParentTreeNode *root,
                                     ParentTreeNode *A,
                                     ParentTreeNode *B) {
  if(root == NULL || root == A || root == B)
      return root;
  stack<ParentTreeNode*> pathA;
  ParentTreeNode *node = A;
  while(node != NULL) {
    node = node->parent;
  stack<ParentTreeNode*> pathB;
  node = B;
  while(node != NULL) {
    node = node->parent;
  ParentTreeNode *last;
  while(!pathA.empty() && !pathB.empty()) {
    if( != {
      return last;
    last =;
  return last;  // 题目规定肯定有答案,跳出了,说明A是B的父亲

3. Complete Binary Tree

Check a binary tree is completed or not. A complete binary tree is a binary tree that every level is completed filled except the deepest level. In the deepest level, all nodes must be as left as possible. 


struct Result {
  int height;
  bool iscomplete;
  bool isfull;
  Result(int i = -1, bool is = false, bool full = false)
      : height(i), iscomplete(is), isfull(full) {}
Result isCompleteHelper(TreeNode* root) {
  if (root == NULL) {
    return Result(0, true, true);
  Result left = isCompleteHelper(root->left);
  Result right = isCompleteHelper(root->right);
  if (left.iscomplete == false || right.iscomplete == false) {
    return Result();  // false
  /* // do not need
  if(left.height < right.height || left.height - right.height > 1) {
      return Result();
  // 相等,left is Full, right is complete
  if (left.height == right.height) {
    if (left.isfull && right.iscomplete) {
      return Result(left.height + 1, true, right.isfull);
    return Result();
  // left is complete, right is full
  if (left.height == right.height + 1) {
    if (left.iscomplete && right.isfull) {
      return Result(left.height + 1, true, false);
    return Result();
  return Result();
bool isComplete(TreeNode* root) {
  if (root == NULL) return true;
  return isCompleteHelper(root).iscomplete;


bool isComplete(TreeNode* root) {
  if (root == NULL) return true;
  vector<TreeNode*> q;  // use vector, in order to index it
  for (int i = 0; i < q.size(); i++) {
    TreeNode* node = q[i];
    if (node == NULL) {
  int lastNotNULL = -1;
  for (int i = q.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (q[i] != NULL) {
      lastNotNULL = i;
  for (int i = lastNotNULL - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    if (q[i] == NULL) {
      return false;
  return true;

4. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence

Given a binary tree, find the length of the longest consecutive sequence path.
The longest consecutive path need to be from parent to child (cannot be the reverse).

DFS - Traverse:

// 好理解,边Traverse,边记录
void dfs(TreeNode* root, int& result, int curLen, int lastNum) {
  if (root == NULL) {
  if (root->val == lastNum + 1)
    curLen = 1;  // 不连续,归位
  if (curLen > result) result = curLen;
  dfs(root->left, result, curLen, root->val);
  dfs(root->right, result, curLen, root->val);
int longestConsecutive(TreeNode* root) {
  int result = -1;
  dfs(root, result, 0, 0);
  return result;

DFS - Divide & Conquer:

// 不太好理解:dfs函数代表,加上左/右子树后,返回最长值
int dfs(TreeNode* root, int curLen, int lastNum) {
  if (root == NULL) {
    return 0;
  if (root->val == lastNum + 1)
    curLen = 1;  // 不连续,归位
  // 区别:
  int leftLongest = dfs(root->left, curLen, root->val);
  int rightLongest = dfs(root->right, curLen, root->val);
  return max(curLen, max(leftLongest, rightLongest));
int longestConsecutive(TreeNode* root) { return dfs(root, 0, 0); }

5. Binary Tree Paths

void dfs(TreeNode* root, vector<string>& res, vector<int>& line) {
  if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {
    string tmp;
    for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); i++) {
      tmp += to_string(line[i]) + "->";
    tmp += to_string(root->val);  // 最後一個直接加上,不放line了
  if (root->left != NULL) dfs(root->left, res, line);
  if (root->right != NULL) dfs(root->right, res, line);
vector<string> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode* root) {
  vector<string> res;
  if (root == NULL) return res;
  vector<int> line;
  dfs(root, res, line);
  return res;
// 或直接用string,简洁!
void dfs(TreeNode* root, vector<string>& res, string line) {  // string无&,拷贝
  if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) {
  if (root->left != NULL)
    dfs(root->left, res, line + "->" + to_string(root->left->val));
  if (root->right != NULL)
    dfs(root->right, res, line + "->" + to_string(root->right->val));
vector<string> binaryTreePaths(TreeNode* root) {
  vector<string> res;
  if (root == NULL) return res;
  dfs(root, res, to_string(root->val));
  return res;
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