Cuda 4 - Parallel Optimization Patterns

UDACITY教程 Intro to Parallel Programming

  • Basics on GPU, CUDA, Memory Model
  • Parallel Algorithms(Reduce, Scan, Histogram, Sort)
  • Optimize Parallel GPU Programs
  • Others(Library, OpenACC, Dynamic parallelism)

1. Data layout transformation

Global memory coalescing

设计数据结构:AOS Vs. SOA


//which is better?
int i = threadIdx.x;
A[i].b += A[i].c * A[i].d;
int i = threadIdx.x;
A.b[i] += A.c[i] * A.d[i];

gpu-7-2 ?AOS会abcd一起取回来吗

2. Scatter to gather transformation

Scatter: belong to input element, decide where to write

Gather: belong to output element, decide where to get

float third = in[i]/3.0f;
out[i-1] += third;
out[i] += third;
out[i+1] += third;

out[i] = (in[i-1] + in[i] + in[i+1]) / 3.0f;

Scatter: potentially many conflicting writes

Gather: many overlapping reads

3. Tiling

Cache in fast on-chip storage for repeated access

CPU: implicit copy

GPU: explicit copy to shared memory


// both have global memory coalescing
__global__ void foo(float out[], float A[], float B[], float C[], float D[], float E[]) {
	int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x; 
	out[i] = (A[i] + B[i] + C[i] + D[i] + E[i]) / 5.0f;
// below one can utilize tiling
// but the experimental results shows that tiled version is only slightly better
// 可能是因为本身GPU的cache发挥了作用
__global__ void bar(float out[], float in[]) {
	int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x; 
	out[i] = (in[i-2] + in[i-1] + in[i] + in[i+1] + in[i+2]) / 5.0f;

4. Privatization

Good: Threads sharing input

Bad: Threads sharing output


5. Binning

Geographic binning


6. Compaction

if(active) then {do computing}


Example: every 8th element will be processed, and computation-intensive
==> 8x faster

7. Regularization

Reorganizing input data to reduce load imbalance

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